Books for the Coffee Lover
I like coffee and I like to read. I have seven different books on coffee on my bookshelf. If you're book-shopping for the coffee lover or else looking for an interesting book on coffee for yourself, check out the ones I've read.I shop for my music and books on They've built a Widget tool where I can show you what coffee books I have on my shelf, and some comments about each of them. Check it out on the site's Shopping Guide.The image that you see here is for my all-time favorite book on coffee. Not only is it a very informative book on the living conditions in different coffee-growing parts of the world, but it is an entertaining and often humorous read that follows one coffee roaster's travels. Dean Cycon brings us an incredible appreciation of coffee by understanding life where it is grown, each chapter focused on a different origin trip that Dean has taken to coffee-growing countries.[ad#Google Adsense - use me]
A close second on my list of must-have coffee books is Uncommon Grounds: The History of Coffee and How It Transformed Our World
. For those of you who have read both this book and Javatrekkers, you may be surprised that I wouldn't rank this as the world's most informative book on coffee. The fact is, Uncommon Grounds is the most encyclopedic book I know on the history of coffee from its beginning to present. It is only because it is so encyclopedic that I don't recommend it first. Javatrekker and Uncommon Grounds are both essential reading for the coffee lover, the latter as the definitive source on coffee, and the former as the most interesting read on coffee, in my opinion.Visit the site's Shopping Guide, where you'll see the books I've read on the Amazon Widget, my ranking of the book on a scale of 5 based on how important it is to the coffee lover's bookshelf, and some comments to elaborate on the ranking I gave. I look forward to hearing from you with your thoughts on these books, and especially those coffee books that I haven't read yet.