The Make Good Coffee Co. roastery is now open!
I am so excited to announce that the Make Good Coffee Co. roastery is now open!Check out the Online Store here.If you've been visiting the site these past several months, you know it's been an ongoing adventure to get the coffee roaster installed and operational in San Diego, California. Last month, the roaster went live, and I've spent the last several weeks perfecting the first three coffees that I'll be selling.
Panama Boquete - Medium Roast
This year, we went on a coffee origin trip through Costa Rica and Panama, taking us into Panama's green mountain highlands. We toured coffee farms, and met with the farmers and field workers. Going to coffee origin is an incredible experience that helps you appreciate the beverage we all love.
My Panama Boquete coffee is roasted medium to take advantage of the natural brightness of a Central American coffee. When a coffee is roasted too dark, it loses some of the uniqueness. To maintain this coffee's natural acidity, I roast it to a medium color. You can expect flavor notes of berry and other fruit, and some milk chocolate flavor.
Check out: Make Good Coffee Co. Online StoreLearn more: Panama Boquete - Medium Roast
Malawi AA - Dark Roast
Dark roasted coffee has a nice smoky taste that so many coffee lovers like in their cup.We are excited that our Dark Roast Coffee is a Malawi AA coffee. The east African country of Malawi has a long coffee tradition, dating back to when the British planted coffee seeds in its green northern provinces in the late 19th century. To ensure a strict standard of quality, the “AA” means that it meets the highest standard before it’s exported.You can expect a medium acidity and good sweetness in this coffee, with notes of citrus, berry, and some chocolate.Check out: Make Good Coffee Co. Online StoreLearn more: Malawi AA - Dark RoastMarc's Premium Coffee - Sumatra Toba PeaberryI'm excited about all three of these coffees, but I'm the most excited about this premium Sumatra Toba Peaberry coffee.Sumatra is the largest island entirely in Indonesia, and this coffee is grown alongside Lake Toba. Toba is the site of the world's largest volcanic activity in the last 25 million years, and it is the world's largest volcanic lake. Volcanic soil contains some of the best nutrients to grow coffee, and it's reflected in the coffee's flavor. Peaberry coffee is a special type of coffee bean where there is only one oval shaped bean in each cherry, rather than two joined beans.Long story short: it's a very special coffee. I've spent weeks perfecting how to roast it for an optimum flavor experience. I roast it to a medium-dark roast, to mute some of the strong acidity that is natural to this coffee, while developing strong berry and spicy flavor, and a nice body. Did I mention that this is a very special coffee?!Check out: Make Good Coffee Co. Online StoreLearn more: Sumatra Toba Peaberry - Marc's Premium
Shipping from the Make Good Coffee. Co. Online Store to US addresses is a flat 5.70, using the US Postal Service Flat Rate Padded Envelope. I'm not trying to make money from shipping, so I'm passing on the exact USPS cost. I encourage you to buy two pounds at a time, in order to split this flat rate shipping cost, over the cost of the two pounds of coffee. While two pounds of coffee is more than I would normally suggest you buy at one time, this coffee will have been roasted days before you order it, so it will be as fresh as you can find coffee. Also, it gives you two varieties of coffee to have in the kitchen, which I always like having for variety in my own home.Check out the Make Good Coffee Co. Online Store. This website has always grown from the feedback of people who visit, so always feel free to let me know what you think of the coffees that I'm offering, or what you would like to see.